LIMS Realizes Lean Laboratory Management

Completely new ways to interact

NEWARE laboratory information management system provides a comprehensive perspective to help laboratories operate in compliance with CNAS specifications. It manages test equipment, samples, personnel, and test methods, as well as the intricate associations, test procedures, and reports.
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NEWARE laboratory information management system provides management and tracking of equipment, samples, personnel and other laboratory data, which also provides key process management from sample receiving to test data association.

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Deploy edge computing, please select NEWARE SaaS. After regist an account, NEWARE will provide end-to-end services. You can complete deployment, installation and configuration on one click.

Support: Small and Medium Laboratories.

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Virtual Private Cloud

Customers can operate the installation, deployment and configuration of all infrastructure and software products in the private cloud.

Support: Large Scale Laboratory | Multi Laboratory Collaboration
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Intranet Deployment

Customers can operate the installation, deployment and configuration of all infrastructure and software products located in the intranet.

Support: Large Scale Laboratory

Clear and Intuitive

NEWARE LIMS provides detailed management for various of laboratory resources, processes, tests and reports, so that you can easily deal with information.
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Our services

Powerful features at a glance

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Equipment Management

The equipment is directly connected to the network to realize the intelligent perception, identification, control and management of the equipment, as well as the automatic collection, recording and storage of laboratory data.
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Data Query

During the experiment, all kinds of data are unified in the data query center.
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Intermediate Checks

During the laboratory verification management, you can customize all kinds of inspection/ maintenance/ calibration management processes and forms. 

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Account Management
System account management.
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Overview Data
It not only provide an intuitive real-time data platform for the laboratory, but also provide complete real-time monitoring and early warning for the laboratory environment, test process and the overall task of the laboratory, in order to assist the overall management of the laboratory.
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Test Intelligent Management
Task, personnel, equipment plan allocation, result input, experiment result analysis, automatic report generation.
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Process Management
The management of laboratory test process includes the management of commission, sample, test, document report, test data and process.
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Financial Management
Provide basic financial management tools for all kinds of laboratories based on equipment / consumables / personnel.
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Process Management

Users can customize the workflow of the system according to their own situation via process management too.

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Data Report

 Users can customize all kinds of reports through quick report tool.

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is highly 


NEWARE LIMS is committed to providing efficient laboratory information management platform for all kinds of battery testing laboratories to achieve better laboratory management. We will quickly organize your needs and quickly launch a system that meets your requirements.

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